Week by week Pregnancy Diet: Week 37 Diet


Diet & Exercise

Your body needs extra calories but do not eat for two. Drink 2lts of water & never skip meals. Have small portions of food every few hours to keep blood sugar levels normal. Increase your calorie intake but keep it healthy. Indulge in light and healthy snacking like having bananas and oranges before exercising.

    Say yes to:

  1. Whole grain-based foods
  2. Lean meat, fish and eggs
  3. Pulses like beans and lentils
  4. Low-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt
  5. Tofu and soy products.
  6. Calcium-rich foods like broccoli, okra, mustard greens and beans
  7. Zinc-rich foods like shrimp, crab, meat, fish, dairy products, beans, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, ginger and onions
  8. Iron-rich foods like dried beans, dried fruits like apricots, dark green vegetables like spinach, millets and oats.

    Say no to:

  1. Sweetened beverages with added sugars, including soft drinks and pre-sweetened teas
  2. Raw meat
  3. Refined flour
  4. Caffeine
  5. Raw eggs
  6. Fish with high levels of mercury
  7. Unpasteurized dairy products
  8. Ready-to-eat meats and seafood
  9. Fried & spicy food
  10. Artificial sweeteners
  11. High-fat, high-sugar, and high-sodium foods
  12. The exercise ball is your friend from now on. Get 30 minutes of gentle exercise each day, three to five times a week. Swimming, brisk walking, yoga, and stationary cycling are safe choices. Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. High-intensity exercises and yoga pose that require stress on the abdomen need to be avoided.


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