Diet & Exercise
Your body needs an extra 300 calories per day. Drink plenty of water & never skip meals. Have small portions of food every few hours to keep blood sugar levels normal. A 29-week pregnancy diet includes Iron & fibre rich foods. Increase your calorie intake but keep it healthy. Indulge in light and healthy snacking like having bananas and oranges before exercising.
- Protein: Dried beans, lentils, nuts, cooked meats and soy products like tofu
- Fats: Unsaturated fat includes fish, vegetable oils like canola, soybean, olive, peanut, safflower, and sunflower oils, nuts, and flaxseeds.
- Calcium: Milk, yoghurt, chickpeas, sesame seeds, and cheese
- Vitamin D: Oily fish, mushrooms, fortified cereals, etc
- Iron: Whole grain bread, Green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs, and dried fruits
- Folic acid: Fruits and vegetables, enriched grain products, legumes such as peanuts, citrus fruits and juices.
Say yes to:
- Sweetened beverages with added sugars, including soft drinks and pre-sweetened teas
- Raw meat
- Refined flour
- Caffeine
- Raw eggs
- Fish with high levels of mercury
- Unpasteurized dairy products
- Ready-to-eat meats and seafood
- Fried & spicy food
- Artificial sweeteners
- High-fat, high-sugar, and high-sodium foods
Say no to:
Get 30 minutes of exercise each day, three to five times a week. Swimming, brisk walking, yoga, and stationary cycling are safe choices. Don’t forget to stretch to reduce the risk of cramping. Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. Avoid high-intensity exercises and yoga poses that require stress on the abdomen. Start doing Pelvic floor exercises which will help you with conceiving.