Week 22 pregnancy symptoms | Signs of week 22 pregnancy | Diet for week 22 pregnant


You are 22 weeks pregnant, congrats! 22 weeks in months is 6 months. Did you know whatever you eat is being tasted by the baby too? Read all the exciting changes happening here:

Baby Development:

Your baby is now size of a spaghetti

week 22 baby development

22 weeks baby size is that of papaya. The baby's lips and eyebrows are nor distinct. The hair on the head is growing thick at the roots. Although baby's eyelids are shut, completely formed eyes are making movements. Tear ducts have started developing too. The baby can now feel touch. The 22 weeks pregnant baby position is lying across the stomach but it changes as the baby now moves around during its wake cycle. 22 weeks pregnant ultrasound detects organs, heartbeat, baby position, sex determination etc.

Body Changes

Breasts become leaky with milky white discharge, colostrum which is the first form of milk. The uterus has moved an inch above to your belly button. Most women feel baby movement at 22 weeks. Your uterus starts practising for labour with "warm-up" contractions called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Contact the doctor if you are experiencing 6 contractions in an hour which last at least 30 seconds, and don’t seem to go away.

Find your due date/Calculating your due date:

Unless you've been tracking your ovulation, for a health practitioner to exactly know when you ovulated and conceived is hard to say. Most women ovulate about two weeks after the first day of their period. So, to calculate a standard timing, most health practitioners calculate the due date from the first day of your last menstrual period.

Due Date Calculator

22 weeks pregnant symptoms:

Pregnancy SymptomsHere are a few number of common symptoms a woman may notice throughout her Pregnancy Symptoms Week 22.
  1. Inflamed and bleeding gums
  2. Stretch marks & itchy abdomen
  3. Vaginal discharge
  4. Dizziness
  5. Fetal movements
  6. Pelvic pressure
  7. Sore & leaky breasts
  8. Swollen hands and feet
  9. Headaches
  10. Bloating and constipation
  11. Indigestion and heartburn
  12. Leg cramps & backaches
  13. Thicker and shinier hair
  14. A heightened sense of smell

Tips for You This Week

You can support your body to prepare for pregnancy by following the tips below:

You need to keep your stress levels under control. False contractions called Braxton-Hicks contractions occur which is normal and doesn't harm you and your baby. So, keep yourself healthy and relaxed. Elevate your feet slightly when you sit. Use "non-comedogenic" and "unscented" skincare products to tackle oily skin and stretchmarks. Always stand slowly after prolonged sitting or sleeping position as the blood pressure of the body is low at this stage. Try sleeping on your left side with a pillow between your knees and ankles. Avoid heavy lifting and sitting with legs crossed. Take prenatal vitamins. Wear loose fit breathable clothing to tackle the hot flushes. Stay away from skin or hair treatments involving harsh chemicals. Visit a dentist if you are experiencing bleeding gums. Stay away from X-rays. Avoid taking hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas.

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