You've just found out you are 4 weeks pregnant, congrats! You can confirm this through blood/urine tests too. Here is all you need to know about your body and what's happening with your baby:
Baby Development:
You Baby is now started Implantation
Baby at 4 weeks is as tiny as the size of a poppy seed measuring about 2mm. At this stage, the baby is an embryo protected by the amniotic sac. Fetus at 4 weeks is rapidly growing and is already divided into two layers, epiblast and the hypoblast. The two layers develop into different parts and organs of the baby with the nervous system being the first one to develop by the end of this week. At this stage, the 4 weeks pregnant ultrasound shows a tiny dot, which is the amniotic sac.
Body Changes
During 2 to 4 weeks pregnant, your body isn't showing much bodily changes. Internally, your body is releasing pregnancy hormone hCG which stops the ovaries from releasing an egg each month. This stops your monthly period. Your body has also increased production of estrogen and progesterone hormones.
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 4:
At this stage symptoms like nausea and fatigue, cramping, and headaches are similar to those of during 3 to 4 weeks pregnant. Few important signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks are:
Bleeding in early pregnancy 4 weeks: 30% of women notice spotting, called implantation bleeding caused due to implantation of the egg in the lining of the uterus. Heavy bleeding with cramps can be a sign of miscarriage at 4 weeks. So, consult your doctor if any such symptoms arise.
Sore breasts: Increase in progesterone and body prepping for milk production causes sore breasts
Vaginal discharge: Sticky white vaginal discharge is normal. However, contact your doctor if the discharge has a foul smell or is causing itchiness.
Find your due date/Calculating your due date:
Unless you've been tracking your ovulation, for a health practitioner to exactly know when you ovulated and conceived is hard to say. Most women ovulate about two weeks after the first day of their period. So, to calculate a standard timing, most health practitioners calculate the due date from the first day of your last menstrual period.
Other symptoms:
- a missed period
- a metallic taste in your mouth
- sore breasts
- a heightened sense of smell
- Frequent urination
- thicker and shinier hair
- bloating
A surge in hormones may cause 3 weeks pregnant symptoms and signs like mood swings, dizziness and constipation. Consult your doctor to safely alleviate them.
Tips for You This Week
You can support your body to prepare for pregnancy by following the tips below:Your hormones are on the rise and this could mean emotional stress. Pregnancy is a major milestone and you need to take care of stress management early on. Keep a journal to write down all your emotions, keep your family and friends close. Toxins can easily pass through the placenta which can affect baby development. So, avoid smoking, alcohol and skin or hair treatments with harsh chemicals. Book an appointment with your doctor to know well of all pregnancy stages that you are about to experience. This is the ideal time to get ready for what's coming.