At 32 weeks pregnant your baby is facing head down as you head towards the end of the pregnancy. Curious about what's happening to your baby and your body? Let's find out:
32 weeks pregnant fetal development:
Your baby is now size of a jicama
The baby at 32 weeks is around the size of big lettuce. Your baby is now busy practising sucking, swallowing, and breathing. 32 weeks pregnant baby movements are slightly slowing down as there is not much space in the uterus now. Get those clippers ready as your baby has grown toenails. All the organs except the lungs are fully developed. Baby's transparent skin is now opaque, thanks to fat layers. You still have a few weeks to go, but there might be exceptions. A baby born at 32 weeks is called a moderately preterm baby and might need a month of NICU care. Baby born at 32 weeks' average weight is around 2 kgs.
Body Changes
At this point, a 32 weeks pregnant stomach feels hard all the time and that's because of Braxton Hicks contractions or false contractions. This feeling might be confused with 32 weeks pregnant cramping. Any instance of extreme cramps or pain must be brought to doctors notice immediately. The baby's head is causing pressure on your bladder which is why you feel like urinating often. The uterus is pushing against your diaphragm, so you will experience shortness of breath. If you are experiencing cramping with or without diarrhoea, it might be premature labour. Contact a doctor immediately.
Find your due date/Calculating your due date:
Unless you've been tracking your ovulation, for a health practitioner to exactly know when you ovulated and conceived is hard to say. Most women ovulate about two weeks after the first day of their period. So, to calculate a standard timing, most health practitioners calculate the due date from the first day of your last menstrual period.
32 weeks pregnant symptoms:
Here are a few number of common symptoms a woman may notice throughout her Pregnancy Symptoms Week 32.- Shortness of breath
- Constipation
- Disturbed sleep
- Swollen hands and feet
- Constipation and gas
- Varicose veins
- Abdominal pain
- Frequent urination
- Foggy memory
- Fast-growing nails
- Leaky breasts
- Fatigue
- Itchy belly
Tips for You This Week
You can support your body to prepare for pregnancy by following the tips below:This time is ideal to learn about premature labour symptoms like period-like cramps with or without diarrhoea, bleeding or spotting, etc. Invest in breast pads to help you with leaky breasts. Get plenty of sleep. Elevate your feet slightly when you sit. Always stand slowly after prolonged sitting or sleeping position as the blood pressure of the body is low at this stage. Try sleeping in a semi-seated position on your left side with one or both knees bent.