20 weeks in months is 5 months, i.e halfway through pregnancy! You must have already felt the baby's rolling and kicking by now. Here's all you need to know about being 20 weeks pregnant.
20 weeks pregnant fetal development:
Your baby is now size of a banana
The baby weight at 20 weeks in grams is around 300 gms. The baby at 20 weeks is the size of a banana. A cheesy, soft, protective coating called vernix caseosa covers the whole skin of your baby protecting it from wrinkles. The 20 weeks fetus can now have hiccups. The second set of tooth buds are developing right behind the first set. The 20-week ultrasound gives in detail information about the baby's internal organs and sex determination. The 20-week scan also helps rule out 11 rare conditions. The 20-week anatomy scan is the most common scan that shows the baby's heartbeat, organs, position, etc.
Body Changes
A 20 weeks pregnant belly is noticeable with your uterus growing 3 times its size. Since your uterus is taking so much space, there is less room for heart and lungs which makes you feel breathless. All the extra fluid retained by your body due to pregnancy is causing swelling of limbs. Most women notice a protruding belly button. Hormones are raging which causes fast growth of hair and nails, in some women even inducing snoring.
Find your due date/Calculating your due date:
Unless you've been tracking your ovulation, for a health practitioner to exactly know when you ovulated and conceived is hard to say. Most women ovulate about two weeks after the first day of their period. So, to calculate a standard timing, most health practitioners calculate the due date from the first day of your last menstrual period.
20 weeks pregnant symptoms:
Here are a few number of common symptoms a woman may notice throughout her Pregnancy Symptoms Week 20.- Inflamed and bleeding gums
- Stretch marks & itchy abdomen
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Dizziness
- Increased cravings
- Increased libido
- Hot flushes
- Shortness of breath
- Swollen hands and feet
- Enlarged breasts
- Headaches
- Feeling energised
- Bloating and constipation
- Indigestion and heartburn
- Leg cramps & backaches
- Darkened facial skin called 'mask of pregnancy'
- Thicker and shinier hair
- A heightened sense of smell
Tips for You This Week
You can support your body to prepare for pregnancy by following the tips below:Use "non comedogenic" and "unscented" skincare products to tackle oily skin. Always stand slowly after prolonged sitting or sleeping position as the blood pressure of the body is low at this stage. Try sleeping on your left side with a pillow between your knees and ankles. Sleep on a firm mattress. Avoid heavy lifting and sitting with legs crossed. Take prenatal vitamins. Wear loose fit breathable clothing to tackle the hot flushes. Stay away from skin or hair treatments involving harsh chemicals. Visit a dentist if you are experiencing bleeding gums. Stay away from X-rays. Avoid taking hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas.